The SKS Newsfeed
September 2022
Service Learning is in Full Swing This Fall
Service learning at The Storm King School is in full swing this fall. Through partnerships with local organizations, our students will have many opportunities to engage with the local community, from working with kids [...]
Return of Mountain Day Marks Storm King’s 155th Year
Mountain Day, a long-standing SKS tradition dating back to the early 1930s, was realized again on Thursday, August 31, 2022, when students and faculty made the scenic, hour-long trek up Storm King Mountain and [...]
August 2022
SKS Welcomes 160 Students from 21 Countries and 10 States
The Storm King School campus was buzzing with activity as 160 young scholars from 21 countries and 10 states arrived for the 2022-2023 school year. The first round of registration began on Tuesday, August [...]
Exceptional Students Highlight Fall Roster
The 155th school year at The Storm King School is slated to be a great one as we welcome 150 students from 21 countries with an equal number of boys and girls. Within this number, [...]
College Counseling Plans for a Great Year
The 155th year at The Storm King School will be an exciting one when it comes to college placement. The bar was set high last year, with nearly 100% of the graduating class attending one [...]
SKS Faculty Prepares for a Great School Year
Teachers at The Storm King School are back on campus and busy making preparations for the start of school. To help them adjust, reconnect, and sharpen their focus after a relaxing summer, new and returning [...]