Storm King’s Art Department has fully embraced and integrated the world of Media Arts as part of their art course offerings. Students in media arts learn digital graphics, image editing, digital video, web design, and media design utilizing programs inclusive of Photoshop, In-Design, Illustrator, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Cs6, Abelton Live, Pro-tools, Garageband and other editing software.

The Media Arts are taught in the well-equipped technology classrooms found in the Vladimir Arts Center. Students often use these media arts skills in conjunction with their academic courses at Storm King, in preparation for higher education, and for many of today’s careers in technology. Students’ annual work includes designing their own web sites, cutting video used on Storm King’s web site, developing presentations for school events and assemblies, creating poster production, and participating at school art shows.

Meet the Director

Zhenya Kiperman


Curriculum Guide


Videos from the Classroom