The SKS Newsfeed
December 2020
The Storm King School Virtual Fall Concert 2020
The Storm King School Virtual Fall Concert Featuring Students from the Music Department Traditionally, we present our performing student-artists' work from the first semester at two live events during Fall Parents Weekend [...]
College Counseling is Ready for Winter
Dr. Kwon As our students conclude the fall semester and take their final exams, Storm King’s College Counseling Office is ready for winter and already looking toward spring. “As we embark on our [...]
NHS Peer Tutors Help Students Prepare for Final Exams
The fall semester is winding to a close at Storm King and our students are working hard to finish their classes on a high note and study for upcoming final exams. There to help them [...]
1970’s Alumni & Faculty Reconnect Online
Cottage boys '78-'79 Storm King’s virtual Alumni Speaker Series continued to engage the school community through the month of November. On Thursday, November 19, a group of alumni and faculty from the 1970s [...]
November 2020
Making Memories at Senior Dinner
Senior year at The Storm King School is usually marked by events that allow seniors to celebrate their accomplishments, develop a sense of community, and make lifetime friendships. Many of these events, such as the [...]
Alumnus Helps Students Foster Leadership Skills
On Tuesday, November 10, Storm King student-leaders had the chance to ask questions and discuss leadership with a distinguished SKS alumnus. Major General William S. Chen, SKS class of ’56, spoke to members of the [...]