The SKS Newsfeed
September 2023
Fall Roster Highlighted by Exceptional Students
The 156th school year at The Storm King School is slated to be a great one as we welcome 170 students from 21 countries and 13 states with nearly an equal number of boys [...]
Mountain Day: An SKS Tradition
Mountain Day, a long-standing Storm King School tradition dating back to the early 1930s, is a day when all students and faculty make a scenic trek up Storm King Mountain together and gather at [...]
August 2023
SKS Welcomes 170 Students from 20 Countries and 10 States
After a restful summer, The Storm King School campus is bustling with activity as 170 young scholars from 20 countries and 10 states converge on campus for the 2023-2024 school year. The first to [...]
New Faculty Prepare for a Great School Year
The Storm King School is pleased to welcome several new faculty members into our diverse and global community for the 2023-2024 school year. Along with their professional qualifications, all of our newcomers offer something [...]
Cougar Athletics: “We are Storm King”
The first days of school are always a very exciting time for Storm King’s Department of Athletics, and fall has always been a great season for the Cougars. This year, Athletic Director Nicole Cervantes [...]
SKS Builder’s Club Goes Heart to Heart at Tilly Farm
The Storm King School Builder's Club, a popular extracurricular club for young builders and sculptors, meets after school each winter in search of their next project. Their mission: create an outdoor art installation worthy [...]