Students in Mrs. Centeno’s Spanish classes at The Storm King School embarked on an exciting cultural trip to New York City recently to attend a performance of La Casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca. Hosted at the Repertorio Español Theatre, the outing brought together students learning at various levels to experience Spanish language and culture in an immersive way.

Federico García Lorca, a renowned Spanish poet, playwright, and theater director, is known for works that explore themes of passion, repression, and societal expectations. La Casa de Bernarda Alba tells the story of Bernarda, a controlling matriarch, and the emotional struggles of her daughters under her oppressive rule and the consequences of their stifled freedoms.

In preparation for the trip, the students read sections of the play and discussed its synopsis in class. This groundwork helped them connect with the story, whether they understood individual words or entire sentences. Watching the play performed live at the theater added depth to their understanding, with the actors’ heartfelt performances bringing Lorca’s work to life.

Many students shared how impactful the experience was. “For me, the play was 9 out of 10 because the storyline was interesting and examined the position of women in Andalucia over a century ago,” said Liam M. ’27. “I learned a lot about the lives of several Spanish women from the past and about the strict gender separation that existed.” For others, the trip was an opportunity to see the Spanish language come alive. “Sometimes it was challenging to understand everything without the subtitles,” explained Kalin C. ’26. “But the acting was very good and based on the actors’ expressions I could understand much of what they were saying.”

Attending a live play in Spanish was a first-time experience for many students who said it left a lasting impression. Teachers and staff who accompanied the students, including Mrs. Centeno, Mr. Carruthers, and Ms. Boerke noted how impactful the experience was for everyone involved.

This year’s trip to the Spanish Theatre was a memorable journey into the world of Lorca and an opportunity for students to connect with the richness of Spanish literature and theater. “This was our 12th trip to the Repertorio Español Theatre,” explained Mrs. Centeno. “As in past years, it was an unforgettable experience that I hope will inspire our students to continue exploring Spanish language and culture beyond the classroom.”