The Storm King School’s 2024 Reunion weekend took place on June 14-16. The weekend was deemed a great success by alums who enjoyed the beauty of the Mountain as they reunited with old friends, reminisced, and celebrated community members.

Class of 1974 from top left: Jerry O’Neill, Ruchard Koch, Glenn Fidelholtz, Sam Weyman. Middle row: Jan Riley Ferrucci, Christopher Capers. Front row: Renee Paolini Cusack, Justin Abelson, Si Cantwell and Sarah L’Heureux

The Class of 1974 had 15 alums in attendance, which was a great turnout for a 50th reunion. Past faculty member and coach Dick Broughton ’54 celebrated his 70th reunion, and on the other end of the spectrum, a group of young alumni from within the past six years spent the entire day on Saturday and were enthusiastic about building the ranks of young alumni attendees next year.

Alec Milton ’89, Larry Lepisto ’89, Monifa Tarjamo ’90 and Bailey Rodriguez ’89

The weekend kicked off with a Friday night cruise on the Hudson River. Although the weather was stormy as the group departed, the boat ride ended with a breathtaking double rainbow making the gathering even more special.

Memorial Rock 2024

On Saturday morning, members of the community who had passed away were remembered at Memorial Rock at a gathering filled with heartfelt expressions of love. After a delicious BBQ lunch on Ledoux Terrace, alumni gathered in the Walter Reade Jr. Theatre for the Alumni Conversation and Awards presentation. Paul Jerry ’69, Chair of the Alumni Council’s Awards Committee, expertly hosted the event, and Jon Lamb gave a State of the School address noting students’ accomplishments and asked for support for the school’s next major project: the New Dyar Hall renovation and addition for needed expanded classroom space.

Alumni Arts Award recipient Henry Wu ’09

Henry Wu ’09 was presented with the Alumni Arts Award for his work in photography and as founder and editor-in-chief of Timid Magazine, an independent lifestyle magazine exploring the stories and beauty of the Asian community, giving a voice to unheard Asian stories from around the world.

Reunion 2024 Awards recipients – Arts Award: Henry Wu ’09. Sports Hall of Fame inductees Henry Hudson Jr. ’04, Bailey Rodriguez ’89 and Jim Lulves ’69

The 2024 Sports Hall of Fame Inductees were Henry Hudson Jr.’04, Bailey Rodriguez ‘89, and Jim Lulves ’69. Each gave moving speeches about the impact Storm King has had on their lives.

From left – Miles Lucas ’21, William “Wink” McCray ’77, Jordan Golding ’20, past faculty Marquetta Felder, Olivia Mende ’22, Giselle Morales ’18, and Caithlin Jones ’19

After conversation and refreshments on the Ledoux Terrace, the day concluded with a banquet dinner in Henderson Dining Hall. Trustee Roger Auerbacher ’66 honored Jonathan Lamb and Toni Scherrer as they retire and move on from the School. Moving videos were shown depicting Mr. Lamb’s legacy at SKS and photos of his time as Head of School. After dinner, alumni gathered around the fire pit donated by the Class of 2023 located outside of Orr Commons. Over a crackling fire, alumni continued to talk, tell stories, and share memories as the evening came to a close.

From left – Past faculty Bill Cesario, Paul Jerry ’69, Dave Scheiner ’80, Jennifer Sober, Ross Sober ’92 Glenn Fiedelholtz, ’74 and Howard Arnold ’71

Reunion 2025 is scheduled to take place June 13-15, 2025. Class years ending with 0 and 5 will be the upcoming honor year classes. We hope that you, your friends and past faculty will save the date to be here on the Mountain!