Mark Rigg, DMin

B.A., English, Amherst College; M.A., Theology, Yale Divinity School; M.A., Theological Studies, The Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia; D.Min, Luther Seminary

Community Service Coordinator

English Teacher

Dr. Mark Rigg began his career teaching English at The Hotchkiss School, where he also served as Associate Chaplain, dorm parent, and baseball coach. Dr. Rigg then taught at The Hill School for 16 years, where he served as English Department Chair, Director of Community Service, Director of Studies, Associate Chaplain, and as a dorm parent and soccer coach. Dr. Rigg spent a decade as a Pastor near Reading, Pennsylvania, and served as the Director of Alumni Relations at York College of Pennsylvania. Mark has two college-aged children and lives on campus in Spy Rock with his beagle Watson.