During the week preceding our 156th Commencement, the flame of excellence burned brightly at The Storm King School when nineteen new students were inducted to the National Honor Society (NHS) for the Spring 2024 Semester. On Monday, June 3, twelve juniors and seven seniors were recognized for their accomplishments both in and out of the classroom at a traditional NHS candle-lighting ceremony held in the Walter Reade Jr. Theatre.

The new inductees included graduating seniors Richeal A. ’24, Arianna L. ’24, Rebecca V. ’24, Madison B. ’24, Aitana G. ’24, Isabella S. ’24, Joshua C. ’24; and juniors Andrea L. ’25, Yusei S. ’25, Emma L. ’25, Minchae K. ’25, Christine S. ’25, Daniel Z. ’25, Milo M. ’25, Sagan N. ’25, Yiting L. ’25, Nyla A. ’25, Taseri B. ’25, Ethan B. ’25.

New NHS members are carefully chosen by SKS faculty for their outstanding performance in the four areas the NHS deems essential for its ranks– Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. These characteristics have been associated with NHS membership since its founding in 1921.

Following a short introduction by English Department Chair Dr. Alex Finn-Atkins, the induction ceremony began according to tradition as four NHS members lit candles, each representing one of NHS’ core values. Then, the new NHS inductees were called to the stage to sign the NHS register.

To complete their inductions, the students were asked to raise their right hands and recite the NHS Pledge. Following the ceremony, Head of School Jonathan Lamb thanked the students for all that they do to represent the characteristics of both the NHS and SKS: “Congratulations to our latest inductees and thank you to all the NHS members for representing the very best of NHS’ values and those of The Storm King School.”