On June 8, 2024, The Storm King School celebrated its 156th Commencement, marking the graduation of 49 exceptional scholars, artists, and athletes. Families and friends from around the globe gathered on the lawn before the Stephen P. Duggan Bell Tower to witness this diverse and talented class transition to the next phase of their lives and become alumni of the School. The ceremony was highlighted by an address from incoming Head of School, Mrs. Lisa Shambaugh, which praised the accomplishments of the graduating class of 19 young men and 30 young women from 15 countries.

The morning began with 49 chimes of the bell and bagpipes as a processional of faculty and staff led by Head of School Jonathan Lamb, Assistant Head of School for Academics Dr. Timothy Lance, Storm King School Board of Trustees First Vice Chair Robert Docherty ’72, and Mrs. Shambaugh. To begin the ceremony, representatives from the senior class greeted the audience in their native languages, followed by the SKS Chorus’ rendition of “America the Beautiful.”

Mr. Lamb highlighted the achievements of the Class of 2024, including their diverse academic pursuits spanning engineering, the sciences, liberal arts, law, and the arts among others. Notably, the class secured 15 Hudson Valley Athletic Conference League Championships over four years and contributed 1,590 hours of community service this year alone.

In her commencement address, Mrs. Shambaugh spoke of her excitement to join the Storm King School community and urged the graduates to continue to lean into the challenges they will face, making their voices heard. “Above all, expect, and embrace, the unexpected and wherever it may lead you,” she concluded.

Excitement was at its pinnacle as Dr. Lance presented the 2024 Commencement Awards, followed by the presentation of diplomas. With the flipping of their cap tassel from right to left, each graduate concluded their high school journey and embraced their future beyond The Storm King School.

To conclude the ceremony, the graduates rose to sing the Storm King Alma Mater one last time before the processional exited the lawn to the cheers of the audience. Smiles and laughter intertwined with tears as the graduates and their families gathered on the athletic field to toss their caps and bid their teachers and friends farewell.

2024 Commencement Awards

The Storm King Scholar Award is granted to those students who have consistently achieved at the highest academic levels and who have contributed significantly to other areas of campus life.
Vincent Iannuzzi-Sucich, Caroline Cunningham, Madison Bishop

The Storm King Scholar Award is granted to those students who have consistently achieved at the highest academic levels and who have contributed significantly to other areas of campus life.
Vincent Iannuzzi-Sucich, Caroline Cunningham, Madison Bishop

The Riley Cup is given in recognition of former Headmaster Philip Riley “to honor in perpetuity an outstanding member of the staff and an outstanding student who have contributed to the School’s community ethos in practical and creative ways.”
Madeline Devine and Jasper Lok Fung Lung
Mrs. Jeanette Jacobson and Mr. Ray Hecht

The Spy Rock Cup is awarded annually to that senior whose performance and contributions to our school have fostered its best interests and traditions.
Annie Cosgriff

The Headmaster’s Cup is a gift of Mrs. Anson Barker, whose husband was the headmaster of The Storm King School for 19 years. Since 1938, the Headmaster’s Cup, inscribed “for cheerfulness of spirit and enthusiasm,” is annually awarded to that senior whose love for the School is profound.
Marisa Chapman

The Storm King Cup is the highest commencement award and an enduring tradition at the School whose recipient is chosen by a vote of the faculty, staff, and students. Since 1915 it has been won “by students who have distinguished themselves by their personal qualities and their accomplishments. What other positive traits they have manifested, they have shared the traits of idealism, quiet courage, and a vision of the School as it could be.”
Ke Xu