Extracurricular clubs have always been an essential part of student life at The Storm King School and serve to enrich the overall Storm King experience. These clubs, whether organized by the School or conceived by the students themselves, provide a venue for self-expression, discovering new passions, developing leadership skills, meeting like-minded peers, and having fun.

Alongside ever-popular clubs like the Model UN, the Builder’s Club, the Black & Latino Student Union (BLSU), the Intersectional Feminism Club (IFC), and the SKS Cheerleading Club, several of our new students brought interesting ideas to the table this year. While 8th grader Angelynna G. is seeking fellow muggles to join the Harry Potter Club, fellow 8th grader Charlotte J. is calling music and rap enthusiasts to participate in the Hip-Hop Club.

For the science and math-minded, juniors Jae Hyun K. and Phillip J. are forming an Academic Competition Club. “There is a lot of competition in athletics at SKS, so we also wanted to bring out an academically competitive culture at our school,” explained the two boys. Students who join will be able to practice their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) skills and compete in national contests including the USA Computing Olympiad, AMC 10/12 Math, and other modeling, coding, and physics competitions. “If you are scared to join, don’t be,” continued the two boys. “The Competition Club will be a flexible club, where students can learn about the topics they want, and enter the academic competitions they want. It will be a no-pressure, fun way to work on our STEM skills.”



This year’s club roster includes:

Model UN Club

Black & Latino Student Union (BLSU)

Builder’s Club

Spanish Club

Intersectional Feminism Club (IFC)

Asian Students Association

Society of Muggles (Harry Potter Club)

Hip-Hop Club

Cheerleading Club

Academic Competition Club

Art History Club

Cooking Club

Fitness Club

Blue Key Club

Hiking Club

Mountain Biking Club