Following a long and restful winter break, SKS’ athletic teams returned in excellent form and continued their forward momentum moving into Semester 2. Girls Varsity Basketball was one of the first teams to tip off their regular season schedule when they faced Poughkeepsie Day School on Wednesday, January 8. The girls displayed skill and determination throughout the game, with forwards Elena Centeno ‘23 and Rory Tobin ‘20 leading the effort, but fell to PDS 47-39. On Saturday, January 11, the girls played with home advantage against King School, who ultimately defeated Storm King 54-14 despite a great team effort headed by Elena and senior guard Sam McCullough. The girls are now busy gearing up for their next home game versus Marvelwood on Wednesday, January 15, at 2 pm.
The boys varsity basketball team began their regular season schedule when they traveled to the MacDuffie School in Granby, MA, to face the Mustangs on Saturday, January 11, 2020. According to Coach Lewis, the Cougars were up 59-51 led in scoring by Myle’s Debrecourt’s season-high 16 points when play was suspended with 6:20 left in the second half due to moisture on the floor. The Cougars are awaiting word as to whether they will be allowed to complete the game when MacDuffie plays at SKS in February. Next up, the Cougars will face Redemption Christian Academy at home on Wednesday, January 15, at 4 pm.
The Storm King wrestlers also started off strong this semester when they traveled to Long Island’s Stony Brook School on Saturday, January 11, where they defeated Churchill School 60-18 and narrowly lost to the home team Stony Brook School 42-36. Senior captain Noah Mendlewski led the SKS effort with two pins. The wrestlers travel next to Woodhall School on Wednesday, January 15, for a league match-up against Woodhall and NYMA.