Daniel Constantinidi

BA, History, Albertus Magnus College; MA, Religion, Yale Divinity School

Director of College Counseling


Dan graduated from Albertus Magnus College with a degree in History with Teacher Certification and earned a Master of Arts in Religion from Yale Divinity School. Dan has worked at multiple colleges and universities in college admissions, athletic recruiting, and in the classroom as adjunct faculty. At SKS, Dan has adopted an 8-12 college readiness plan, believing that it is never too early to start focusing on goals after life on the mountain. Using his expertise in postsecondary recruitment, he guides students through all stages of the college application process, including the initial search process, the personal essay and application, final decisions, and financial aid. Dan makes sure that students find institutions that are the right fit, both academically and personally, and that will prepare students for their long-term goals.

In addition to his college counseling responsibilities, Dan assists in coaching baseball for the Cougars. In his free time, he plays in the Hudson Valley National Adult Baseball Association and finds new courses to play Disc Golf. Dan lives on campus with his partner and their dog, Kona.