On Wednesday, December 6, members of the Storm King Music Ensemble and Choir volunteered their time, talent, and enthusiasm for the seniors at the New Windsor Country Inn assisted living home—proving yet again that the best holiday gifts do not need to be wrapped.

Pierce Pramuka ’20 captivating the audience of senior citizens with his rendition of Besame Mucho at the New Windsor Country Inn assisted living home
At 2:00 pm, the Storm King students began playing classic holiday songs to the delight of residents. Less than 10 minutes later, the young musicians had the senior citizens literally “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree.”

Morgan Papera ’20, Allegra Walker ’19, and Tamar Haham-McGowan ’19 singing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town“
The young performers were accompanied by their instructor and Music Director Alva Nelson, a well-known musical talent himself, who has a passion for inspiring the inner artist in our students. This is Mr. Nelson’s first year with The Storm King School and he had this to say about his young charges: “I am extremely proud of our students here at the Storm King School, and we are happy to have had the opportunity to share our time and musical gifts with the residents of the New Windsor Country Inn. During this holiday season, it is especially gratifying to experience the joy given and received observing these young people sing and play for those who have taught us so much with their wisdom and guidance.”

Two of the Doles triplets, Emily and Eliza ’21
Among the students who performed at the New Windsor Country Inn were choir members Morgan Papera ’20, Allegra Walker ’19, Tamar Haham-McGowan ’19, and Jack Besterman ’18. Jack’s rendition of “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” was particularly well received by the audience.

Elizabeth Doles ’21 on the cello with Kylie Marshall ’21 on the guitar
On strings, we had Kylie Marshall ’21 playing guitar, Elizabeth Doles ’21 on the cello, and Eliza Doles ’21 on violin. All three students played beautifully and were greatly admired by the adults, with Eliza Doles’ violin solo drawing very enthusiastic applause from the crowd.

Saxophonists Pierce Pramuka ’20 and Alisdair Neighbors ’22
The woodwinds were represented by Emily Doles ’21 on the flute, Alisdair Neighbors ’22 and Pierce Pramuka ’20 both on the saxophone. Pierce brought down the house when he played “Besame Mucho” despite the fact that it is not a holiday song. The performance wrapped up with “Santa Baby,” followed by overwhelming requests for an encore.
Kudos to these young students and their instructor for embracing the true spirit of the holiday season!

Choir members Morgan Papera ’20, Allegra Walker ’19, Tamar Haham-McGowan ’19, and Jack Besterman ’18