The Storm King School created the SKS COVID-19 Relief Fund as part of the Storm King Fund to support mission-central needs and allow us to respond to those families facing serious financial uncertainties. Our SKS Alumni community has always been generous in times of urgency, and we ask that you give what you are able so that our students can continue their education with as little disruption as possible.Supporting the COVID-19 Relief Fund will play a real and meaningful role in ensuring that families may be confident that Storm King will continue to meet their needs in the event that the coronavirus pandemic reduces family earnings; maintain wages and sick leave for Storm King employees, and that teaching support continues in a virtual environment.
To date, the fund has raised $153,381 towards our $195,000 goal. All charitable gifts up to $300 will be tax-deductible and make a significant impact on the life of our School. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this urgent request.