The Storm King School’s Model UN team was well represented by eight outstanding delegates at the 2019 Bard Model United Nations Conference (BardMUNC). The event, held on Saturday, November 16, at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, offers students the opportunity to research and resolve pressing global issues with their peers in a simulated United Nations setting.
The SKS team comprised seven students attending their first MUN Conference and led by experienced team captain, Pierce Pramuka ’20. Team members took on the challenge of resolving the Libyan Civil War. Throughout the day, the students were busy representing their individual countries, making speeches, and building alliances with other countries; all the while using their skills to influence, persuade, compromise, stand their ground, debate, research, and create resolutions. Amid the excitement, the group also managed to find time to celebrate Trey L.’s birthday and eat pizza for lunch.

Pierce Pramuka ’20 recipient of the “Best Delegate in the General Assembly”
Storm King Delegates included:
Edward Iannuzzi-Sucich ’23 – Spain
Vincent Iannuzzi-Sucich ’24 – Guinea-Bissau
Pierce Pramuka ’20 – Iraq
Trey Lawrence ’22 – Japan
Seth Vieira ’22 – Mali
Michael McCullough ’22 – Guinea
Robert Sun ’23 – Latvia
Jim Yulin Jin ’22 – Fiji
According to SKS’ Model UN Team mentor Michael Hauser, the SKS team received numerous compliments from faculty of other participating schools as well as from the Bard MUN staff and faculty. “At the conclusion of the conference, awards were presented. Pierce received the award for the Best Delegate in the General Assembly–the top student of the over 170 students participating in the largest Bard MUN committee,” explained Mr. Hauser upon the team’s return. “The Storm King School can be very proud of the performance of its talented team of young diplomat delegates at the 2016 Bard Model United Nations Conference. Congratulations to Pierce, and to the entire SKS Model UN Team.”