Alumni Council
The Storm King School Alumni Association is governed by the Alumni Council. The Council works with SKS staff on alumni engagement and support. Anyone who attended The Storm King School for at least one term is considered an alumnus/a of the School and a SKS Alumni Association member. Currently, the Alumni Association consists of approximately 3,000 former students and graduates.
The Alumni Council is made up of approximately 14 elected members representing the decades of SKS graduating classes. The Alumni Council/Association President serves as an ex officio member of the SKS Board of Trustees.
Three times a year, the Storm King Alumni Council and members of the SKS Alumni Association meet to hear from the school’s leadership and receive updates on the ongoing life of The Storm King School. Working through committees, the Alumni Council focuses on projects to strengthen alumni engagement and philanthropy including Career Night, Reunion Weekend/Alumni Awards, the alumni basketball game, the senior class luncheon, the SKS Alumni LinkedIn Network, and outreach and support of The Storm King Fund.
Alumni Council Mission Statement:
The mission of the Storm King Council is to build and perpetuate an alumni community of support for the school in partnership with the Office of Alumni and Development.
To be considered for Alumni Council membership, please contact Lynn Crevling ’72, Director of Alumni Relations, at or at 845-458-7517
Richard Bailey ‘02
Steve Bluth ’83, President
Symeon Braxton ’94
Scott Cantor ’73, President Emeritus
Lynn Crevling ’72, Secretary
Jaime Cunningham ‘16
Lauren Ferrara ‘97
Jodi Gerson PhD ’91
Jordan Golding ‘20
Paul Jerry ‘69
Yiqi “Jack” Liu ’11
Dominique Manpel ‘79
Jim Perlberg ’70
Michael Pock ’94
Ross Sober, ‘92
Lisa Veyka ’83
Name | Class Year | Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Ending 7/1/2025 | Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Ending 7/1/2026 | Fiscal Year 2026-2027 Ending 7/1/2027 |
Alumni Council Members (three year terms)
Richard Bailey | 2002 | 1st term | ||
Symeon Braxton | 1994 | 1st term | ||
Jaime Cunningham | 2016 | 1st term | ||
Lauren Ferrara | 1997 | 1st term | ||
Jordan Golding | 2020 | 1st term | ||
Paul Jerry | 1969 | 1st term | ||
Yiqi “Jack” Liu | 2011 | 1st term | ||
Dominique Manpel | 1979 | 1st term | ||
Jim Perlberg | 1970 | 2nd term | ||
Ross Sober | 1992 | 1st term | ||
Lisa Veyka | 1983 | 2nd term | ||
Total | 3 | 7 | 3 | |
Alumni Council Officers (two-year terms)
Steve Bluth, President | 1983 | 2nd term | ||
Jodie Gerson, First Vice President | 1991 | 1st term | ||
Michael Pock, Second Vice President | 1994 | 1st term | ||
Total | 2 | 1 | ||
Alumni Council President Emeritus
Scott Cantor | 1973 |
The Storm King School Alumni Council
September 21, 2024
Meeting Summary
The Storm King School Alumni Council met on the above date in person and via Zoom. President Steve Bluth ‘83 presided, and Secretary Lynn Crevling ‘72 served as secretary.
The following Alumni Council members were in attendance in person: Steve Bluth ‘83, Scott Cantor ’73, Lauren Ferrara ’97, Jim Perlberg ’70, Michael Pock ‘94, Ross Sober ‘92, and Lisa Veyka ‘83.
The following Alumni Council members were in attendance via Zoom: Richard Bailey ‘02, Jaime Cunningham ’16, Jodie Gerson ‘91, Jordan Golding ’20, Paul Jerry ’69, and Dominique Manpel ’79.
The Council member not in attendance, Jack Liu ’11, was excused due to his training schedule at the LAPD Academy.
Alumni in attendance in person were Richard Broughton ’54 and Dan Natchez ’61, with Dick DeRosa ‘61 and Monifa Tarjamo ’90 on Zoom.
Sarah Fulton ’09 and Head of School Lisa Shambaugh represented The Storm King School.
President’s Opening Remarks
President Bluth called the meeting to order at 12:20 pm and welcomed members and guests. He asked everyone to share a special moment since the last meeting. Moments with family, special events, mentoring, and campus connections were shared.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Bluth presented the minutes from the last meeting on May 15, 2024. Dr. Gerson made a motion for the approval and the motion was seconded by Dr. Jerry. Mr. Bluth called for discussion, changes, or corrections. Hearing none, a vote was taken and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Meet SKS: Head of School Lisa Shambaugh
Mr. Bluth welcomed new Head of School Lisa Shambaugh who shared slides introducing herself, her personal theme of “community” for the year; top priorities and goals for 2025, and regional events scheduled to meet the community. Slides are attached.
Development and Alumni Update
Director of Annual Giving and Development Coordinator Sarah Fulton shared a presentation, attached. She reported on the gifts to The Storm King Fund to date and fundraising both completed and planned. A listing of regional events and of on-campus events was also shared. Ms. Fulton highlighted the third annual Trivia Night and that it would be great to grow alumni participation to include more than one alumni table. Trivia Night income is designated for improvements to the cardio room in the gym.
Nominating Committee Report
Nominating Chair Dominique Manpel reported that the Nominating Committee had met and had a preliminary conversation about updating/amending the Alumni Council Constitution after its first five years of operation. Among the amendments under consideration are a possible additional two-year term for officers; eliminating the cap of number of alumni serving on the Council; and updating the terminology “Headmaster” to “Head of School”.
Committee member Ross Sober referred members to the statement of interest in serving on the Alumni Council submitted by Symeon Braxton ’94 that had been sent to Council members. Mr. Sober read the statement of interest and made a motion for Dr. Braxton to join the Council, effective this year. The motion was seconded by Jim Perlberg. Michael Pock ’94 commented that Dr. Braxton was highly regarded as a student leader at SKS and that he is a great choice to join the Council. A vote was called and the motion passed unanimously. Dr. Braxton will serve on the Nominating Committee.
There are still vacancies on the Council for representation in 1960-69; 2000-2009 and 2020-2024.
Outreach and Development Committee Report
Committee Chair Lauren Ferrara reported on the recent meeting of the Outreach and Development Committee and also pointed out the listing of alumni outreach and engagement events in FY 2024-2025.
The summary of comments from the survey of Reunion 2024 attendees was discussed. The comments were almost entirely positive. As a result of the survey comments from the 2023 and Council feedback, the awards program was presented in the theater (as opposed to Ogden Hall in the several years prior). This was considered to be a positive change. The awards program was also combined with the “alumni conversations” and “state of the school” presentation.
Ms. Crevling observed that there were no questions or conversation at this past reunion’s awards/alumni conversation and state of the school program, compared to a prior alumni/state of the school program when there were questions, comments, and meaningful and thought-provoking conversation. Council members discussed options to involve participants to make the meeting more involving and interactive. One option was to separate the alumni conversation/state of the school from the awards program again, but the downside would be a highly scheduled day. Ultimately, it was decided to keep these three topics together, but to reverse the order to start with the awards and end with the state of the school presentation and alumni conversation. The emcee would allow time for and facilitate questions and conversation.
Pricing of reunion weekend was also discussed, with the goal of the event priced to break even, at least. Suggestions that the price be kept down by alumni sponsorship of events were made. Sponsors secured for the Friday night Hudson cruise these past two years have kept the price down. There were suggestions to have a fund for subsidizing alumni who can’t pay the full price. Ms. Fulton has been working with anyone for whom the cost is an obstacle, in addition to offering a low cost for young alumni. Asking for alumni gifts at the reunion is a topic to be considered.
Jordan Golding and Jaime Cunningham spoke about the planning underway for the January 9, 2025 college/grad school-aged alumni to come to campus to speak with students about the college experience. They are trying to work out their schedules to attend and participate in the conversation, in addition to recruiting young alumni. Incentives for students to attend this optional conversation were discussed. Ms. Crevling indicated that, after having a conversation about this with staff at the school, the students will be encouraged to attend solely by attracting them to the event — with the alternative being going to study hall. Ms. Ferrara mentioned event name options proposed for the January 9 event and Ms. Cunningham indicated that she’d like to call it “What’s Coming Up”. Mr. Cantor praised the initiative as exactly what he had hoped the Council would do: building relationships between alumni and the current school community. Ms. Shambaugh relayed that the last two schools were she worked had similar events and suggested that the young alumni answer the question: “I wish I had known XYZ”. Responses to this question would be of value to students and to faculty.
Ms. Ferrara reminded Council members of the importance of giving to The Storm King Fund as alumni leaders. The school/fiscal year is almost through the first quarter, with three of 14 Council members having made a gift thus far this year. She shared a video of her eight-year-old daughter talking about giving and making a gift to Storm King Fund from her allowance.
Awards Committee Report
Awards Committee Chair Paul Jerry reported that the Awards Committee had met and discussed information about a Sports Hall of Fame nominee who looks promising as a 2025 inductee. He also noted that there is a candidate for the Alumni Humanitarian Award who looks like a very promising recipient for 2025, and that there are deserving Alumni Arts Award candidates for 2025, also. The volunteer arts advisers have been invited to the Committee’s meeting on January 4, 2025 to share their expertise for consideration of candidates for the Alumni Arts Award.
New Business
Mr. Cantor expressed support for upgrading of the cardio room, as mentioned as the beneficiary of Trivia Night’s fundraising. He encouraged Council members to make an additional gift in excess of regular annual giving to help with this project. Attending or sponsoring Trivia Night is a fun way to do so.
Mr. Cantor also commented that the Alumni Council President is an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees and that he thought the position should able to vote, be in Executive Sessions, etc. Mr. Bluth said that he would follow up on this. Mr. Natchez said that the Alumni Council President joined the Board of Trustees as an ex officio member in 1965-1966 when he served on the Board.
There was discussion of alumni homecoming events, and Ms. Crevling and Ms. Fulton cited the many times that Homecoming was offered with few attendees. A thorough response with details on homecomings had previously been prepared and is available upon request.
With no further business to come before the SKS Alumni Council, Dr. Jerry made a motion to adjourn and Ms. Veyka seconded it. It was approved unanimously, with adjournment at 2:17 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn Crevling ‘72
Alumni Council Secretary
The Storm King School Alumni Council – Annual Report Summary 2022-2023
2022-23 Council Members and Officers
Sele Birchwood ’09 Jodie Gerson ‘91
Steven Bluth ’83 – President Paul Jerry ‘69
Richard Broughton ’54 Yiqi “Jack” Liu ‘11
Scott Cantor ’73 – President Emeritus Dominique Manpel ‘79
Lynn Crevling ’72, Secretary Jermaine Miller ‘02
Tom Delaney ’58 Jim Perlberg ’70 – 2 nd Vice President
Michelle Farber ‘83 Michael Pock ‘94
Johnathan Flores ’12 – 1st Vice President Lisa Veyka ‘83
Council Meetings
In 2022-2023, Alumni Council meetings were held on October 23, 2022, January 21, 2023, and May 23, 2023.
The State of the School
Faculty, staff or students are invited to Alumni Council meetings to provide information about the school. The Assistant Head of School/CFO Ray Hecht attended the October 2022 Alumni Council meeting and provided an in-depth review of his areas of responsibility. He is responsible for buildings and grounds, kitchen/food services, information technology, campus security, human resources, the business office, and the school’s finances and investments.
In addition, at each meeting, reporting includes development, enrollment, budget, finance, and an update on the Board of Trustees’ meetings.
Alumni Council Committees
Nominating Committee, Chairperson Tom Delaney and member Dominique Manpel:
- provided Orientation for new members
- surveyed other schools and discovered that most schools’ Alumni Councils have specific and limited terms for members. The Committee recommended continuing the current two-term limit for serving, with the ability for alumni to return to run again after a year or more.
- brought actions for term renewals and new Council Members for 2023-2024
- thanked members concluding their service for their contributions to the Council: Sele Birchwood ’09, Richard Broughton ’54, Tom Delaney ’58, Johnathan Flores ’12 and Jermaine Miller ’02.
Alumni Outreach and Development Committee, Chairperson Jim Perlberg ’70 and members Sele Birchwood ’09, Jodie Gerson ’91, Jack Liu ’11, Michael Pock ‘94, and Lisa Veyka ’83:
- distributed a survey to Chinese alumni asking them to update addresses, connect and comment on their SKS experience
- implemented the SKS Alumni Network on LinkedIn
Awards Committee, Chairperson Johnathan Flores ’12 and members Richard Broughton ’54, Jody Gerson ’91, Paul Jerry ’69 and Jermaine Miller ’02:
- brought actions for the 2023 awards recipients: the Margaret Clark Faculty Excellence Award (Frederick Lemaine, Languages); the Sports Hall of Fame (Coach Kevin Houston for championship basketball teams); the Alumni Arts Award (William Close ’88, Founder and Creative Director of the Earth Harp Collective), and the Humanitarian Award (John Prentice ’64 for work for the homeless and mentoring of children).
Involvement in the Storm King School Community
- Alumni Council members attended the school’s first Trivia Night event
- Alumni Council members participated in Career Night 2023.
- Bluth attended the SKS students’ senior dinner to welcome them as new alumni.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Storm King School welcomes alumni involvement, and relies on volunteers to keep alumni connected with the School and help achieve The Storm King Fund goal for the benefit of the SKS community. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact The Storm King Alumni Office at
Three times a year, the School invites the Storm King Alumni Council and members of the Storm King Alumni Association to campus to hear from the School’s leadership and receive an inside look into the ongoing life of The Storm King School. Throughout the year, the Alumni Council is assigned specific committees to work on projects that help strengthen alumni connections and philanthropy, including Alumni Awards, Career Night, Reunion Weekend, and The Storm King Fund.
Class agents help raise support for The Storm King Fund by staying connected with classmates, gathering class news, and working closely with members of the Alumni and Development Office to exceed the School’s fundraising goals each year. All alumni are welcome to help with our fundraising efforts.
If you’re interested in becoming a class agent, please contact The Storm King Alumni Office at