Grateful Recognition of Philanthropy
Storm King Stewards are individuals who have given faithfully to SKS for five or more consecutive years. We are truly grateful to those listed below for their ongoing generosity, which has made an important difference in the life of the School.
2022-2023 Storm King Stewards
Mr. Howard Arnold ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Auerbacher ’66
Mr. Jonathan S. Babcock ’75
Ms. Ila B. Barton ’92
Mr. James M. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bissell ’64
Mr. Steven Bluth ’83
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan A. Broh ’74
Mr. Richard G. Broughton ’54
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bucha
Mr. Douglas H. Burg ’71
Mr. Scott H. Cantor ’73
Mr. John Carruthers
Mr. & Mrs. Haddon C. Carryer ’61
Ms. Philie K. Chan ’80
Mr. Robert Chace ’68
Mr. Alan M. Coleman ’64
Mr. David R. Collens ’65 & Ms. Vivien Abrams
Mr. Robert H. Cory, III ’63
Ms. Dana C. Crevling ’77
Ms. Lynn E. Crevling ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Jack D’Angelo
Ms. Michele DeFreece P’14
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Delaney ’58
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. deRosa ’61
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Docherty ’72
Mr. Bruce Dolph ’50
Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Downing ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Colin L. Elgood ’71
Mr. & Mrs. David Y. Eng ’68
Mr. & Ms. Richard A. Epstein ’59
Dr. James Factor ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo C. Ferraro P’94
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Fischer ’82
Ms. Lauren Fitzharris ’97
Mr. Peter Q. Fox ’77
Mr. John Franzen ’77
Mr. Jeremy Freeman
Chief Donald M. Friedman USN, Ret. ’68
Ms. Sarah Fulton ’09
Mr. Jeffrey Galuten ’61
Mr. John H. Garrett III ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Gelhardt III ’48
Mr. Racey Gilbert ’60
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gilchrist ’62
Mr. David Gilmore ’61
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Ginsburg ’72
Mr. Leslie S. Gordon ’66
Mr. and Ms. Douglas M. Hall ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hall ’74
Mr. Bruce L. Hanson ’62
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Harbison, Jr.
Mr. Brian A. Harrington ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hecht P’19
Mr. James W. Houstoun ’75
The Rev. & Mrs. Francis A. Hubbard P’03
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Jencks ’62
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Kaufmann ’63
Hon. Harold E. Kennedy ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Kennedy ’50
Mr. & Mrs. George Klein ’73
Mrs. Margaret Kovacs
Mr. Jonathan Lamb & Ms. Toni Scherrer
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Landesman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Leeds ’69
Mr. Sean Leffler ’90
Mr. & Mrs. Pemberton H. Lincoln, Jr. ’60
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Lindsay, III P’12
Mr. & Mrs. Sayre A. Litchman ’59
Dr. Robert L. Littman ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Merrell P’77, ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Putnam V. Morgan ’63
Mr. John T. Morris Jr. ’60
Bettina P. Murray Ph.D. G’20
Mr. & Mrs. George Muser
Norma Gilbert Farr Foundation
Mr. Jerome J. O’Neill ’74
Mr. H. James Perlberg III ’70
Mr. Joseph P. Phillips ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Post ’71
Mr. Andrew C. Powell ’76
Mr. John G. Prentice ’64
Mr. Arthur H. Reis ’75 & Ms. Marianne McGeary
Mr. Michael D. Roberts ’70
Ms. Judy A. Romano ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Michael N. Rosenblatt ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rutter ’73
Mr. & Mrs. H. Gregory Shea, Jr. ’62
Mr. David M. Slap ’75
Dr. Richard E. Slimak ’64
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Smith P’17, ’20, ’23
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Sollami P’02, ’08, ’09
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Sopher ’58
Mr. Douglas P. Sperling ’73
Mr. Lawrence Spiegel ’69
Mr. Michael W. Spitz ’60
Mr. Gary J. Springer ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Ramsay Straub ’65
Ms. Elizabeth A. Taviloglu P’19
Ms. Ellen Van Dunk
Mr. Ronald Vanoostendorp ’69
Mr. Jen S. Wang ’72
Mrs. Christine E. Watson CPA ’94
Mr. Robert Went
Mr. John P. Williams ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Williams Jr. ’54
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Wunsch ’73
In 1867, the Cornwall Heights School opened its doors to local children under the leadership of Reverend Louis P. Ledoux. Twenty years later, in 1897, the School was bought by Dr. Carlos H. Stone, who led it until 1916 under the name of The Stone School. The Stone School was then chartered as a non-profit organization, and the name of the School changed to The Storm King School.
The legacy of commitment to academic achievement, self-confidence, and self-reliance first established by Reverend Ledoux has continued for more than 150 years. To sustain the vision of those pioneers of education, The 1867 Society was established to recognize individuals who have made a charitable provision for The Storm King School in their estate plans. Their thoughtful and visionary generosity continues to support the long term well-being of this great school.
2022-2023 1867 SOCIETY
The Albert Sussman Charitable
Remainder Annuity Trust
Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett
Mr. Dean C. Ames ’56*
Mr. Werner F. Auerbacher P’66*
Mr. Eliot F. Bartlett ’37*
Mr. Joseph W. Blount ’74
Mr. Michael A. Brower ’63
Mr. Robert T. Cobb ’58*
Mr. Alan M. Coleman ’64
Mr. Joe I. Cooper ’46*
Mr. Robert H. Cory, III ’63
Mr. John E. Creveling ’63*
Mr. Peter M. Duggan ’58
Mr. Richard A. Epstein ’59
Mr. Antoine F. Gagne ’36*
Mr. Herbert G. Gelhardt III ’48
Ms. Jodie E. Gerson PsyD ’91
Mr. Lawrence J. Gratz ’61*
Mr. Bruce L. Hanson ’62
Mr. Edwin S. Jarrett ’24*
Mr. Malcom Blake Johnson ’41*
Hon. Harold E. Kennedy ’73
Mr. Peter F. Lamb ’72
Mrs. Joan F. Ledoux*
Dr. Robert L. Littman ’70
Mr. Henry O. Lumb ’21*
Mr. Bruce McCullough*
Mr. Charles B. Merrill, III ’84
Mr. Daniel Natchez ’61
Mr. Chester H. Neumann ’68
Mrs. Clairborne O’Connor*
Mr. Robert W. Parke ’57
Mrs. Susan W. Peck
Mrs. Jean O. Rainey*
Mr. Wilfred L. Raynor Jr. ’39*
Mr. Arthur H. Reis ’75
Mr. Frederick P. Reynolds Jr. ’71
Mr. David E. Riker ’50*
Mr. George F. Ross ’64*
Mr. John F. Settel ’50
Mr. Jeremiah H. Shaw, Sr.
Mr. H. Gregory Shea, Jr. ’62
Mr. Michael Sloan ’77
Mr. J. Halsey Smith, Jr. ’46*
Ms. Florence Wall*
Mr. Robert Went
Mr. William R. Wheeler ’21*
Mr. Robert D. Williams Jr. ’54
Ms. Elsie Wunsch P’73*
Robert Ginsburg ’72– Chair
Roger Auerbacher ’66
Ila Barton ’92
Charles Cordero ’92
Robert Docherty ’72
Bruce Hanson ’62
Kerryane Monahan, PH.D. ’92
Scott Rutter ’73–Secretary
Lisa Shambaugh–Ex Officio — Head of School
Christine Watson ’94
Kenneth Goldwasser ’78
Johnathan Flores ’12
Richard Grossman ’79
Neil Novesky – Current Parent
Steven Bluth ’83 – President
Jim Perlberg ‘70
Lauren FitzHarris ’97
Jaime Cunningham ’16
Peter Fox ’77
Richard Bailey ’02
Jordan Golding ’20
Scott Cantor ’73, President Emeritus
Lynn Crevling ’72, Secretary
Ross Sober ’92
Jodi Gerson PhD ’91
Jack Liu ’11
Michael Pock ’94
Paul Jerry MD ’69
Dominique Manpel, Esq. ’79
Lisa Veyka ’83
“After two years at SKS, I was no longer lost. I established lifelong friendships, including with my educators and mentors. I gained an understanding of the value of accomplishment. I gained the self-confidence that comes from doing things myself, rather than because my parents told me to. I earned the respect of my peers. I held myself to a higher standard. And I carry these measures of success with me every day.”
“I come from a long line of Storm King School students. My mom, two of my aunts, and cousins all attended. That is one of the reasons why I give, to continue our family legacy- a legacy that I hope will continue for generations to come.”
“Your Content Goes Here”The reason I give is so that other Storm King School students have the same opportunity that I was given.
I want others to avoid going through some of the challenges that I did before finding SKS. I am deeply grateful for the chance I got at SKS. I love Storm King School. That is why I give.”