Preparing for Your Arrival
Important Arrival & Registration Dates for 2025-2026
Wednesday, August 27
New International Student Arrival
(arrive on campus between 10 AM and 7 PM)
Thursday, August 28
International Student Orientation
(arrive on campus between 8 AM and 2 PM)
Monday, September 1
Domestic Boarding & Returning International Boarding Student Arrival
(arrive on campus between 10 AM and 7 PM)
Tuesday, September 2
Registration Day for All Students
(9 AM – 12 PM)
Thursday September 4
First Day of Classes
For information regarding airport shuttles, see Transportation below.
If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to
2025-2026 Health & Matriculation Forms
Student Health and matriculation forms for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year are accessible in the Magnus Health Portal in Blackbaud.The due date to submit all required forms and health information through Magnus is August 1, 2025.New and Returning families, please click on the Magnus Health SMR button below for instructions on how to access and submit your forms.The Storm King School Dress Code exists to unify the student body in general appearance. Every Storm King student is subject to the same set of expectations detailed here. The code also exists to elevate the aesthetic on campus and to heighten our collective academic focus.
All students are required to wear a collared shirt. The shirt may be an oxford (full button-up), polo, or collared blouse. Dress code shirts may be long-sleeve or short-sleeve. Acceptable colors are white, navy blue, or light blue. Dress code shirts may have the SKS logo, but are not required to have the logo. No oversize brand logos are acceptable. Students may wear a navy blazer, SKS sweater (navy or gray) or SKS sweatshirt/hoodie as a second layer. Coats or jackets may be worn, but must be taken off when entering any classroom. No other outerwear is permitted.
Pants and shorts must be navy or khaki colored in a straight-leg chino style, appropriately fitted, with shirts tucked in. Capri pants may be worn. Students are not permitted to wear denim jeans, leggings, athletic pants/joggers, yoga pants, or jeggings. The hem of the shorts must fall no higher than 2 inches above the knee. Cargo shorts are not permitted.
Skirts/skorts must be navy, khaki, or SKS plaid, and appropriately fitted. The hem must fall no higher than 2” above the knee. Solid colored leggings/tights may be worn under skirts. Permissible colors of the leggings/tights include navy, nude, white, and black. Fishnets or visible garter belts are not allowed.
Students should be able to transition easily from interior spaces to our outdoor pathways and classrooms. The weather and school schedule often impacts what footwear is appropriate on any given day. Therefore, the following types of footwear are permissible during the school day: Dress shoes, boots, work shoes, hiking shoes, or sneakers (sandals, open- toed shoes, and Crocs are prohibited for safety reasons).
List of Clothing that is not acceptable on campus at any time:
- Shirts that expose the chest or midriff.
- Clothing that displays any offensive or derogatory language or imagery
- Clothing that references Drugs/Alcohol
- Clothing that displays violent imagery
Shirts must be worn at all times, even during sports practices
No hats or head coverings are to be worn in any of the academic buildings, including the Art Center and Orr Commons. Exceptions will be considered for religious and/or cultural reasons. Students seeking an exception to the rule regarding head coverings should speak to the Asst. Head for Student Life.
All students are required to purchase SKS athletic practice apparel for the 2024-2025 school year. Only students attired correctly in official SKS athletic practice apparel will be permitted to participate in after-school athletic practices. Those not adequately dressed will receive punitive measures.
It is recommended that each student purchase at minimum:
- 1 sweatshirt
- 2 t-shirts
- 1 pair of shorts
- 1 pair of athletic pants
The Storm King athletic apparel can only be purchased here:
For questions, please email the Athletic Director, Dr. Nicole Cervantes, at