Preparing for Your Arrival

Whether you are a new student at SKS or coming back for another great semester, find all of the info you need to prepare for your arrival here!

Important Arrival & Registration Dates for 2025-2026

Wednesday, August 27
New International Student Arrival
(arrive on campus between 10 AM and 7 PM)

Thursday, August 28
International Student Orientation
(arrive on campus between 8 AM and 2 PM)

Monday, September 1
Domestic Boarding & Returning International Boarding Student Arrival
(arrive on campus between 10 AM and 7 PM)

Tuesday, September 2
Registration Day for All Students
(9 AM – 12 PM)

Thursday September 4
First Day of Classes

For information regarding airport shuttles, see Transportation below.

If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to

2025-2026 Health & Matriculation Forms

Student Health and matriculation forms for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year are accessible in the Magnus Health Portal in Blackbaud.
The due date to submit all required forms and health information through Magnus is August 1, 2025.
New and Returning families, please click on the Magnus Health SMR button below for instructions on how to access and submit your forms.

Please note:
– Only SKS students may use the School shuttle service or stay on campus overnight. If families are traveling together, they must arrange their own transportation and lodging.
– All students must notify the Admissions Office of their travel plans before August 1st.

New International Boarding Students

Students traveling alone who are contracted for New International Student Orientation can be picked up at New York’s three major airports, Newark (EWR), John F. Kennedy (JFK), and LaGuardia (LGA), with the school’s shuttle service. Students should complete the New International Arrival/Airport Pickup Survey to arrange their pickup. Families traveling together should arrange their own lodging and transportation to campus.

Students traveling alone should plan to arrive on August 27th, the day before registration, which will be held on August 28th. Students traveling with their families should arrive on Thursday, August 28th, for registration.

For questions, email before August 1st.

New Domestic Boarding Students & All Returning Boarding Students

A School Shuttle is available for a fee to pick up new domestic boarding students and returning boarding students arriving between 8 am-8 pm on Monday, September 1 pm, at New York’s three major airports:

  • Newark (EWR): $150
  • JFK (John F. Kennedy): $200
  • LaGuardia (LGA): $175

NOTE: Custodial DropOff/PickUp is an additional $50.00

For more details and to sign up for one of the shuttles, students should complete the Airport Shuttle Request form. For questions, email

If a student cannot arrive at the designated dates/times above, alternative arrangements must be made with the Student Life Office.

Packages may be sent to the School at the following address:

Student’s name
The Storm King School
314 Mountain Road
Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY 12520

The Storm King School requires international students in the 8th and 9th grades to have a local guardian and strongly recommends that all international students retain a guardian. This ensures continued care and safety for students while off campus during vacations, weekends, and should a student develop a moderate to severe illness. Guardians help the School communicate with families overseas as well as support the School with students on campus. Ideally, this person would be a family member or a family friend. Understandably, this is not a possibility for all students. The Storm King School does have several local families, including present and former parents, who have experience as guardians and may be able to provide some or all of the services described below.

A guardian should provide services to include but not limited to the following: Facilitating communication between the School and family; Providing home stays during weekends or breaks; Assisting in formulating vacation plans; Managing transportation to and from the School; Coming to campus to provide assistance or support when the need arises; Providing proper permissions for off-campus trips as needed; Responding promptly to all communications from the School.

Any arrangements or agreements made between a family and student’s guardian are made separate from the rules and expectations of The Storm King School. Therefore, it is understood that The Storm King School is not responsible or accountable for the relationship or agreements made between the family or a family member and the guardian.

The Storm King School also reserves the right to require a change of guardian should a conflict of interest or problem arise.

Families are required to complete and sign the Storm King School Guardian Form made available through the Blackbaud/Magnus Health Parent Portal to ensure the School has the most current and accurate information on file.

Each room is equipped with the essentials: a bed, mattress, closet, desk, chair, bookshelf, and window blinds. Students should be careful not to overpack; bring only what is necessary at the beginning of the school year, and then acquire additional items as the year progresses.

Because of fire safety considerations, no student may have electrical appliances at school, such as microwave ovens, toasters, hot plates, air-conditioners, or TV sets. Any such appliances will be confiscated. In addition, halogen lamps and non UL-approved electrical cords are not permitted.

All linens should be clearly marked with the student’s name. This list includes the essentials for all boarding students:

  • Pillow
  • 2 sets of standard twin sheets
  • 2 Blankets
  • Alarm clock with battery back-up
  • Flashlight
  • 1 Bedspread or comforter
  • Laundry basket 
  • Laundry detergent and softeners
  • Towels, wash cloths
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Reusable Water Bottle
  • Desk Lamp
  • Under-bed storage with a lock cannot be taller than 13 inches

Note: There will be shopping trips to stores such as Walmart/Target within a few days of arrival. Also, many items can be purchased in the School store. The School store is open on Registration Day and at the end of each academic day. Students need cash or a credit card to purchase items in the School store. 

Laundry and dry cleaning services are available through the Business Office for a fee. If students choose this option, they must bring two laundry bags marked with their name. Students may also do their own laundry in the dorms, with complimentary washers and dryers. 

Equipment connected with a student’s hobbies or interests should be brought to campus by the student. Items such as toiletries and school supplies may be purchased at the School Store, or during weekend shopping trips. 

To ensure the safety of one’s belongings, students are discouraged from keeping cash in their rooms. An ATM machine is available on campus. Valuable documents, such as I-20s and passports, are kept in the Admissions Office. 

Safes are available for rent and are strongly recommended if students bring any valuables or excess cash.

SKS summer reading requirements for new and returning students will be posted at HERE. For questions, please email Dean of Academics Dr. Tim Lance at

All New Students Entering after Grade 9: It is extremely important that SKS receives official copies of ALL previous secondary school transcripts (grades 9 and above only). These will be essential during the college application process and any summer programs, etc. Please ensure that Registrar, Ingrid Ciunga, at has official copies of all of your transcripts.

Teachers will provide textbook ordering instructions in class. Because students take a placement test in math, and some students drop/add courses during the first week of school, SKS does not recommend that students purchase textbooks ahead. Textbooks will be a combination of hardcover and e-books depending on teacher recommendation. Students will need a credit card to order books. Students will receive schedules on Registration Day. Please contact Dean of Academics Dr. Tim Lance at if you have any questions about your schedule or books.

Each student is required to bring a laptop. The primary purpose of technology at SKS is for education and research. SKS’ robust wireless network supports all types of wireless devices. SKS does not provide any wired Ethernet connections.

The Storm King School uses 2 platforms: Apple Mac Laptop and PC Laptop. Email questions to

Minimum Requirements for MACINTOSH LAPTOP

  • Minimum Requirements for MACINTOSH LAPTOP

    • Language for Mac must be English.

    • Must be able to connect to a wireless network connection.

    • MacOS 13 (Ventura) or higher. ***(Ventura supported MacBook models listed below)

    -MacBook: 2017 (Model 10,1) or later

    -MacBook Air: 2018 (Model 8,1) or later

    -MacBook Pro: 2017 (Model 14,1) or later

    Minimum Requirements for Windows LAPTOP

    • Language for the laptop must be English.

    • Must be able to connect to a wireless network connection.

    • Windows 10, 11 (Windows 10 End of Life will be Oct 2025 and will no longer be supported by Microsoft.)

Students are permitted to carry cell phones, but these may not be used during class time, a school-wide meeting, or study hall, unless specifically designated by an instructor/proctor for the purposes of a lesson or homework. Cell phones are also prohibited from Thursday evening meals and all assemblies, school programs, or productions unless otherwise indicated by those leading these events.

During class time, instructors may require that cell phones be collected and held during any period. Students must silence or turn off their phones prior to any class, meeting, or study hall so as to eliminate distraction.

Students may use their cell phones between classes and during meals. Students needing to contact home for any reason during a scheduled class may, with permission, proceed to the Administration Building, and then use the terrace or lobby respectfully to contact home. Parents or guardians who need to contact a student are encouraged to do so without distracting the student. In the case of a family emergency, parents or guardians should contact the main branch of The Storm King School’s phone system.

If a student fails to comply with the cell phone policy, a faculty member may report this infraction via Blackbaud, and the student will be required to serve Dean’s Hours or Saturday Detention at a time determined by the Asst. Head for Student Life. A faculty member may also request that a cell phone be collected and held until the completion of a class or event. If a student refuses this request, they may also be reported for insubordination. Students who accrue multiple cell-phone infractions will be summoned to a BISC meeting and potentially face more formal disciplinary action.

General Principles

The Storm King School considers computers to be a valuable tool for education and encourages the use of computer related technology in school classrooms to further the educational goals of the School. As part of Storm King’s commitment to academic excellence and technology, students and faculty are provided with access to the Internet to support instruction, conduct research, enhance curriculum, and communicate with scholars throughout the world.

Storm King’s Internet services are designed to guide users in navigating through vast resources while minimizing the possibility of accessing information that is inappropriate in the context of a school setting. No matter how vigilant, the blocking technology can never keep up with new sites or make all the correct judgments about taste. The Storm King School cannot guarantee that such material will not be accessed.

When a student in The Storm King School accesses computers, computer networks, and educational technology owned or operated by the School, he or she assumes certain responsibilities and obligations. All access of this type is subject to school policies and to local, state, and federal laws. The Storm King School expects that student use of computers provided by this school will be ethical, for educational pursuits, and will reflect academic honesty. Students must demonstrate respect for intellectual property, system security, and privacy. In an effort to adhere to these General Principals the following rules will be applied:

  1. All Internet traffic will be routed to the web filter. This device is designed to filter out known inappropriate web sites; sites that contain offensive, illegal and or dangerous content. There can be no exceptions. Any traffic that does not pass inspection by “web filter” cannot be allowed on The Storm King School computer systems. If you find a site you need for academic work blocked, please see your teacher. Access can be provided for genuine academic activity.
  2. We reserve the right to inspect any computer and mobile devices that access The Storm King School network, and, or access the Internet via this system, for compliance with the computer policy as well as inspection for illegal and dangerous software. We reserve the right to remove any such software without the owner/user’s consent.
  3. The School is not responsible for loss or damage to a file due to unauthorized access or usage.
  4. Students are strongly encouraged to use appropriate security and backup procedures to insure the authenticity of their files. Students are required to have a current anti-virus program and anti-spyware.
  5. Students may not use devices such as Hotspots, Wireless repeaters, Network extenders, etc. which interfere with SKS WiFi signals. The use of these devices is prohibited; they are subject to confiscation.

Students must obtain the approval of their parent(s) or guardian(s) before access to the School’s Network / Internet resources can be granted. Both students and parents must also read and sign the Acceptable Use Policy to indicate an understanding and acceptance of its contents. Internet use is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked if abused. Vandalism of equipment, network access or programs will result in discipline as defined in the School conduct policy.

Users must adhere to the same code of ethics that govern all other aspects of the School. The following Internet Acceptable Use Policy is not an inclusive listing, but general guidelines dictated by decorum, privacy, respect and the law.

  1. Accounts may be used only by the authorized owners of the accounts. Access of other accounts is prohibited.
  2. Users are responsible for the file content, downloading file (video, music, etc.) data, programs and email communications of the accounts.
  3. Users shall not use their accounts or the network to create, view or distribute images, sounds, messages or materials which are obscene, pornographic, harassing, racist, inflammatory, malicious, fraudulent or slanderous. Users shall not engage in cyber bullying.
  4. Users shall respect the privacy of others, and shall not access, modify, or copy passwords or data belonging to other users. Users will not publish private information on students, faculty or staff without permission.
  5. Users shall not use computer programs to decode passwords or to access information.
  6. Users shall not use computers to access personal entertainment, social networks, and game playing during academic times.
  7. Users shall not attempt to circumvent or subvert system security measures.
  8. Users shall not copy files, data or programs without permission.
  9. Users shall not install software or download unauthorized files, games, programs or other electronic media.
  10. Users shall not engage in any activities that might be harmful to systems or to any information stored thereon, such as creating viruses, damaging files or disrupting service.
  11. Users shall respect copyright laws and licensing agreements pertaining to material entered into and obtained via the system. Software piracy and plagiarism are illegal.
  12. The use of the network for personal profit, commercial purposes or illegal activities is prohibited.
  13. Users shall respect the integrity of Storm King Telecommunication’s infrastructure. Unauthorized access to The Storm King School information systems, Internet or other networked computers is not permitted. Attempts to hack into the Storm King network, damage the functionality of the network or to bypass its restrictions are illegal. And violation of these restrictions may be prosecuted as a
    criminal offense.

The Storm King School monitors online access and retains the right to review and edit any materials that are stored, posted or emailed through its network infrastructure. Any user who does not comply with the Internet Acceptable Use Policy will be subject to one or more of the following consequences. The disciplinary action depends upon the infraction and is not limited to this list.

  • Conference with parent(s) or guardian(s)
  • Compensation equivalent to the cost of repair or replacement as
    determined by the School. This includes labor time needed for the repair
  • Loss of network privileges for a determined period of time
  • Permanent revocation of network rights
  • Disciplinary measures
  • Expulsion
  • Legal Action

Note: All students and parents/guardians must fill out the Storm King School Internet/Network Acceptable Use Form found in their My SKS portal.

Students are advised not to carry large sums of cash with them. Yet they may need cash for weekend shopping or other off-campus trips. An ATM machine is available in Orr Commons. It is recommended that students have a debit card so that they can withdraw cash if needed. The ATM fee is $2.50 per transaction. SKS encourages parents to have earnest discussion with their children regarding the responsible use of debit/credit cards.

Parents receive monthly statements, via Blackbaud Tuition Management, regarding their children’s accounts. If you have any questions, please email our Business Office Manager, Kathy Syvertsen at

The Storm King School Dress Code exists to unify the student body in general appearance. Every Storm King student is subject to the same set of expectations detailed here. The code also exists to elevate the aesthetic on campus and to heighten our collective academic focus.


All students are required to wear a collared shirt. The shirt may be an oxford (full button-up), polo, or collared blouse. Dress code shirts may be long-sleeve or short-sleeve. Acceptable colors are white, navy blue, or light blue. Dress code shirts may have the SKS logo, but are not required to have the logo. No oversize brand logos are acceptable. Students may wear a navy blazer, SKS sweater (navy or gray) or SKS sweatshirt/hoodie as a second layer. Coats or jackets may be worn, but must be taken off when entering any classroom. No other outerwear is permitted.


Pants and shorts must be navy or khaki colored in a straight-leg chino style, appropriately fitted, with shirts tucked in. Capri pants may be worn. Students are not permitted to wear denim jeans, leggings, athletic pants/joggers, yoga pants, or jeggings. The hem of the shorts must fall no higher than 2 inches above the knee. Cargo shorts are not permitted.

Skirts/skorts must be navy, khaki, or SKS plaid, and appropriately fitted. The hem must fall no higher than 2” above the knee. Solid colored leggings/tights may be worn under skirts. Permissible colors of the leggings/tights include navy, nude, white, and black. Fishnets or visible garter belts are not allowed.


Students should be able to transition easily from interior spaces to our outdoor pathways and classrooms. The weather and school schedule often impacts what footwear is appropriate on any given day. Therefore, the following types of footwear are permissible during the school day: Dress shoes, boots, work shoes, hiking shoes, or sneakers (sandals, open- toed shoes, and Crocs are prohibited for safety reasons).

 List of Clothing that is not acceptable on campus at any time:

  • Shirts that expose the chest or midriff.
  • Clothing that displays any offensive or derogatory language or imagery
  • Clothing that references Drugs/Alcohol
  • Clothing that displays violent imagery

Shirts must be worn at all times, even during sports practices

No hats or head coverings are to be worn in any of the academic buildings, including the Art Center and Orr Commons. Exceptions will be considered for religious and/or cultural reasons. Students seeking an exception to the rule regarding head coverings should speak to the Asst. Head for Student Life.


All students are required to purchase SKS athletic practice apparel for the 2024-2025 school year. Only students attired correctly in official SKS athletic practice apparel will be permitted to participate in after-school athletic practices. Those not adequately dressed will receive punitive measures.

It is recommended that each student purchase at minimum:

  • 1 sweatshirt
  • 2 t-shirts
  • 1 pair of shorts
  • 1 pair of athletic pants

The Storm King athletic apparel can only be purchased here:

For questions, please email the Athletic Director, Dr. Nicole Cervantes, at