One year ago, The Storm King School’s opening day enrollment hit an all-time high of 180 students–a number which was difficult to envision even a decade ago. With the growing demand for Storm King’s brand of high-quality, project-based education and rich student life, recent upgrades in the School’s facilities and grounds, and the additional dorm space made available in the Spy Rock House, the Admissions Office staff got the green light to work at topping that number for the 2019-20 school year. Their efforts did not disappoint. On opening day, a total of 193 students began classes at Storm King. For the Admissions Office, it’s another record set, and for the School, it means another great year is in store.
Breaking down the numbers, there are many reasons why Storm King can expect greatness this year. Our domestic students come from ten US states including New York, New Jersey, Arizona, California, Washington, Florida, Connecticut, Michigan, Maryland and Massachusetts. This number expresses the largest enrollment of domestic students in recent history, including 57 day students – the largest number enrolled at SKS to date.
The remainder of our student population has come from overseas. This year, we enrolled students representing 25 countries including Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Germany, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Taiwan, Ukraine, United States, Vietnam, Serbia, Hong Kong, Turkey, Albania, Holland, and Bangladesh. As a result, SKS today is as diverse as it’s ever been. In fact, Storm King has become known as one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse schools in New York State.
Looking beyond the numbers, there is more positive news regarding our student body. The Admissions Office is proud to say that students sitting in our classrooms today work toward an increasingly high academic standard. For example, the number of AP Scholars at SKS has grown by 180% since 2013 (an AP Scholar is defined as a student who has scored a 3 or higher on 3 or more AP exams). In addition, our students consistently confirm at prestigious colleges and universities around the world including Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, NYU, Georgia Tech, and others.
Assistant Head of School for Admissions and Marketing Marek Pramuka is very pleased with this year’s profile: “Not only is this the largest group of students in the 152-year history of our school; it is also one of the most academically gifted and diverse. With such a great group, it’s sure to be another successful year at Storm King,” explains Mr. Pramuka.